
Update on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 12:15:34 +0000


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e1al3l: 麗文正經話 1009 沒有文茜餐與的政府,真是國人的損失, 國人沒有這個福份. 10-29 09:17
e1al3l: 網路酸辣湯 0820 為何藍軍不知"以其之道還治其人",廣設"民調機構",天天發布柱姐的高民調,也給大眾天天洗腦,久而久之, 就變成真. 08-23 22:22
e1al3l: 網路酸辣湯 0805 一個狗屎"送" 加一個無知"客",再湊上空心菜,台灣"玩"了. 10-03 18:21
e1al3l: 網路酸辣湯 0730 I am a royal viewer, but, 連著兩天的節目中鳳馨打斷志賢的評論,感覺上很不好.應該學著說 "excuse me". 10-04 17:19
e1al3l: 国民大会 0701 哥大,哥大,哥哥養大 10-03 17:43
e1al3l: 新闻面对面 062ˊ周小三 shut your ass up! 10-04 02:07
e1al3l: 網路酸辣湯 0608如何昭告國民黨:黃志賢本節目中說的最後一句話. 09-07 21:00
e1al3l: 網路酸辣湯 0604 精彩!勁爆!最好看的一集!唯一的瑕疵是鳳馨打斷湘龍,沒讓他完全表達. 09-08 02:57
e1al3l: 《少康战情室》150519何智偉 YOU SHUT UP! 09-07 05:25
e1al3l: 《世纪向前行》Ms.Chen, please allow Mr. Tang to finish his comment, Do Not Interrupt Him.e 10-04 02:02

Disclaimer: AI Kan websites are dedicated to finding, collecting, sorting, categorizing popular videos / audio available on the Internet, creating a unique database and indexing interface of these popular videos / audio for all Internet users to watch / listen. Unless otherwise noted, all video / audio content is publicly available on the Internet: either publicly released by its official owner or volunteers who love these videos / audio. All video / audio files (avi, flv, mp4, mpeg, divx, mp3 ...) are not hosted on our servers, but uploaded to / stored on video / audio sharing sites (such as Youtube, DailyMotion etc.) and file sharing sites (such as MySpace, Facebook etc.) by the third parties (as mentioned above) . Related questions, please contact the appropriate responsible party.

免责声明爱看系列网站,致力于搜索、收集、整理、分类互联网上公开发布的热门视频/音频,建立一个独特的热门视频/音频的数据库和索引界面,便于所有互联网用户查找、观看、收听。除非另有说明,所有视频/音频内容均为互联网上公开发布的: 或者为其官方公开发布,或者为热爱这些视频/音频的志愿者公开发布于互联网上。所有视频/音频文件(avi,flv,mp4,mpeg,divx,mp3...)均不在我们的服务器上,而是由第三方(如前述)上传至/存储于视频/音频共享网站(如YoutubeDailyMotion等)和文件共享网站(如MySpace, Facebook等)上。相关问题,请直接联系相应的责任方。

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